Insider Weight Loss Diet Secrets

By Sheri Caton

The following article lists some simple, informative tips that will help you have a better experience with fast free weight loss tips.

Other behaviours associated with increased weight loss include more minutes spent exercising and attending group sessions. Since there are a huge number of people who are suffering from weight problems, several weight loss products and diets have been developed to help you lose weight. Fad diets are popular because they promise rapid weight loss. However, fad diets or crash diets do not allow the body to burn fat calories as you would think, they actually produce a net loss of lean muscle mass, water, and stored energy.

Are you tired of looking all over the place for the weight loss tips that help you get off of your weight loss plateau? Have you heard about all of the secrets that the stars have used to lose weight and are just fed up that they will not work for you? You're looking for information so you can make an informed decision about the weight loss option that's right for you. Information you can use to stop struggling and start imagining the life you want.

Those of you not familiar with the latest on fast, free and quick weight loss tips now have at least a basic understanding. But there's more to come.

According to a study done by the American Journal of Nutrition at least seventy percent of the people who lost weight during a previous study regained all of their weight back within three years! See weight loss pictures and read how ordinary people are losing up to 150 pounds and changing their lives in the process.

In order to achieve consistent, maintainable weight loss, you should attempt to introduce a calorie deficit into your diet and exercise regime. What this implies is that in order to start calorie counting you will need an understanding of the calories you are consuming and burning and how to adjust this so as to introduce the desired calorie deficit.

They realize that hoodia is just one small piece of the weight loss puzzle. They understand that diet and exercise are the cornerstone of any weight loss program - NOT diet supplements - hoodia included! This site was made to show studies about weight loss and tea, describe its health benefits, and answer any other questions you may have about green tea for weight loss.

There's no doubt that the topic of fast and free weight loss tips can be fascinating. If you still have unanswered questions about quick weight loss, you may find what you're looking for in the next article. - 30241

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Hidden Psychological Trigger Helps With Weight loss

By Dorthy Weatherbush

You're fat! Husky, hefty, stocky, rotund, plump, portly, chubby, chunky, corpulent: fat. You can see it when you look in the mirror, when you go shopping, when you step on that scale. It may have snuck up on you one meal at a time. Maybe you have been heavy all your life. Whatever the case may be, you have determined that today is the big day. Your journey to slim begins today.

But how? There are the obvious answers. Diet, exercise, and eating right. Of course, you say. I knew you'd say that. I knew that. Everyone knows that. But really, how? What diet, which exercise? What if you fail? Well, you are going to be fat, same as now.

The hardest part on the journey to weight loss will not be in the gym. Sweating will not be what brings you down. Your downfall will come very slowly. You start off excited and energetic, and then the doubt will set in. Or maybe the worry, or the time constraints. What can you do to deal with all of these things? What is the miracle key to finally dropping the weight that is holding you down for so long? The answer is easy. The highway to thin just got a little less hard.

The single most important factor to ensuring a successful weight loss is this: determine your why. Why do you want to lose the weight? Of course you want to be healthy or look attractive, but what truly guides your desire. Think deeply: envision yourself thin. What are you doing, where are you going, what are you wearing? This is your answer. Write it down. Flesh it out until it is exactly, precisely the moment you are working toward.

If you desire to be healthier, more attractive, and keep up with your kids, your 'why' may be "to play softball wearing short shorts in the park." Make it as real for yourself as it is going to be. Write it down on paper somewhere. Give yourself at least ten good 'whys'. Now you have written them and they are in stone. Use these as reminders of why you are doing what you are doing and use them as motivation to continue. Is it a vacation that you desire?

A photo of the tiny seats on European public transportation will be a good reminder for you to stay on you treadmill. A JCPenny's catalog in the take out menu drawer will magically remind you to eat a salad. Your weight loss journey and the motivation it takes to succeed are very personal, but your 'whys' shouldn't be. Tell you 'whys' to the people closest to you. Sharing your goals will help to hold you accountable and help you to succeed.

Whatever the 'whys' may be that you choose, your answer lies inside yourself. The reasons why you want to lose weight will be the driving forces behind your journey, and everything else that you do in your life. Your 'why' will wake you up in the morning and drag you to that treadmill, it will keep you from that drive through line at McDonald's. Armed with your own personal secret weapon, you can make your weight loss dream a reality. - 30241

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8 Ways to Create the Body You Want Before Obama Takes Office

By Dorthy Weatherbush

Do you dislike the way you look now? Are you feeling uneasy about yourself and therefore find yourself avoiding relationships with members of the opposite sex? If so, there is good news. You can make a shift in your life and adjust your habits so that you will have a body you can finally be proud of. The best thing about it for you is that if you decide to day to take action on these simple solutions, you'll see real results even before President Elect Obama takes office. Wouldn't that be cool, a new president and a new and improved you.

To get started, you will have to force your body to do what you tell it to do and not let it do what it wants to do. This involves waking up early in the morning before the kids get up and forcing yourself to go for a brisk walk or run. The goal for you is to kick start your metabolism.

Next, you have got to eat breakfast. There is a reason that it is called the most important meal of the day. Just like the exercise starts your body off on the right track, so does fueling your system at the beginning of the day. You have got to give your body fuel so that it has energy to continue moving throughout the day.

You need to take a serious look at what you are putting into your body for fuel. Candy and soda may have the sugar in it for a quick jump-start, but it does not have the lasting nutrients that you need for energy. Make sure that you are enjoying a balanced diet that has lots of fruits and vegetables in it. These are lower in calories, but help your stomach to stay full.

The next step is for you to become a "water-holic". Yes, I just made that up but I wanted to make a point to you that water has to become so part of your daily routine that people will literally think you'll need a "Water Drinker's Anonymous" meeting. Drinking water will lubricate your joints and ease painful muscle cramps or spasms.

Here's a simple secret for you. For weight loss to be effective, you must loose more pounds than you gain. Yes, I know you would've sat in the cold on a stormy winter morning for that tidbit of information. While it sounds simple, it is actually very profound. By controlling your portions and monitoring your caloric intake, you can assure yourself that you are burning more calories and fat than you are adding to your waistline.

Eat early and eat often. This may be counter intuitive but it actually does work. Try it and you'll discover that if you watch what you eat and how much of it you eat, that if you were to munch on smaller portions throughout the day rather than having only 3 large meals a day, that you would rarely feel hungry and your metabolism will shoot through the roof.

Write down what you are eating. It's easy to forget what you have been putting into your mouth, but by writing it down you will give yourself an accurate view of what you are eating. This provides you with some accountability and knowledge as to what you are including in your diet.

Finally, you need to keep your motivation going strong. One of the biggest weight loss pitfalls is that your motivation can wane. Find ways to keep yourself enthusiastic about the positive lifestyle changes that you are taking on. By doing this, you are guaranteed to see a newer slimmer you by inauguration day! - 30241

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Caralluma Fimbriata and Weight Loss

By Alice Drew

Losing weight is no easy task. As many people will begin to tell you, it is a type of activity that requires a life long commitment. You need to be focused and keep to a plan to lose weight.

However, there are some tips along the way that can help you lose weight even more efficiently and in this article, I want to help you along and pass you some of these tips so that you can begin to experience some of the success of losing weight for yourself.

What I am talking about are supplements that help you lose weight even faster. This means that besides your own desire of wanting to lose weight, you can go even quicker along that route.

Basically, there are some substances in this world that can help you lose weight as long as you use them correctly and provide your body with the ingredients that it needs to keep going.

This helps you lose weight even quicker because it is very powerful in getting you to the desired place for losing weight.

For example, there is a plant called caralluma fimbriata which is probably something you have never heard of before. This is because it has been used for years in some parts of the world but is not native to countries where English is spoken as a major language.

Indian tribes chew caralluma fimbriata when they go on hunts in order to suppress their hunger for long periods of time when they are unable to really eat much at all.

Also, in South India, caralluma fimbriata is used by many workers in order to keep going in their work day without needing to stop to eat.

This is because Caralluma fimbriata is a vegetable with inherent qualities that help you lose weight because it can give you the energy boost that you need to burn off extra calories. If you want to lose weight, add it to your diet and see for yourself the great things it can do for you! - 30241

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Ten Ways To Lower Anxiety

By Carlo Mueres

Skimming through Real Simple magazine at the check out line of the supermarket, I came across Dr. Robert Leahy's "10 Ways to Cope with Anxiety." Dr. Leahy is the director of the American Institute for Cognitive Therapy and the author of many books on the subject. His suggestions will help you calm your nerves:

1) Repeat your worry until you're bored silly.

"take the troublesome thought that's nagging at you and say it over and over, silently, slowly, for 20 minutes. It's hard to keep your mind on a worry if you repeat it that many times."

Dr. Leahy calls this technique "the boredom cure. "Behavioral scientists call it 'flooding'. I'm not so keen about this technique for my extremely anxious patients who are having trouble regulating their thoughts and emotions. If your anxiety is on the milder side, however, and you have the courage to do this, I recommend you think about your worries while practicing relaxation techniques to keep your body as calm as possible.

2) Make it worse.

"When you try too hard to control your anxieties, you only heighten them. Instead exaggerate them and see what happens."

This is a good one. When I suggest it to my patients I call it the 'Bring it on' technique or 'Fake it 'til you make it'. By inviting what scares you, you learn on your time that you can survive your fears instead of waiting to be bushwhacked by them.

Sports psychologists use this all the time. When I was terrified my horse would shy and dump me on the ground, my coach told me to stop trying to keep my mare from bolting. Instead she told me expect her to shy, to look forward to it. That attitude helped me relax and so did the horse.

3) Don't fight the craziness.

"You mayhave thoughts that lead you to think you'll do something terribleor that you're going insane Remember - our minds are creativeevery now and then 'crazy' thoughts jump out. Everyone has them."

In the weeks after my first child was born, when I was exhausted, sleep deprived and in the grips of baby blues, I had thoughts of throwing my screaming baby out the window. Those thoughts terrified me. Tearfully, I confessed my horrible thoughts to my mother who shrugged and said, "We all think something like that at some time. You didn't act on it, did you?" She assured me I wasn't crazy. I could relax.

My patients are sometimes surprised when I suggest they allow themselves to imagine doing something outrageous like throwing a banana cream pie at their nasty boss's puss. Unleashing our creative minds may be just what we need to de-stress.

4) Recognize false alarms.

"Many thoughts and sensations that we interpret as cues for concern-even panic-are just background noise. Think of each of them [rapid heart beat, tensing of muscles] as a fire engine going to another place."

5) Turn your anxiety into a movie.

"..imagine that your anxious thoughts are a show while you sit in the audience, eating popcorn, a calm observer."

This is a good way to exercise 'detachment,' stepping outside of the anxiety just enough to keep your thinking brain working. Another technique I suggest is to imagine the worry happening to a friend, not you. Then imagine talking to your friend. What would you say to them? How can you be supportive?

6) Set aside worry time.

"Try setting aside 20 minutes everyday-let's say 4:30 PM-just for your worries. If you are fretting at 10 AM, jot down the reason and resolve to think about it later. By the time 4:30 comes around, many of your troubles won't even matter anymore."

7) Take your hand off the horn.

"When you desperately try to take command of things that can't be controlled, you're more like the swimmer who panics and slaps the water screaming Instead, imagine that you are floating along on the water with your arms spread outIt's a paradox, but when you surrender to the moment, you actually feel far more in control."

Breathe it out.

"Focusing on breathing is a common but effective technique for calming the nerves."

This a classic, oldy, but goody. If you do it right, deep, mindful breathing is better than Valium.

9) Make peace with time.

"Every feeling of panic comes to an end, every concern eventually wears itself out, every so-called emergency seems to evaporate."

When we are in the midst of a panic attack we feel it will last forever or else we will die. Remembering the fact that panic attacks and anxiety in milder form is finite, usually not lasting more than ten minutes. Dr. Leahy also counsels:

"Ask yourself, 'How will I feel about this in a week or a month?' This one, too, really will pass."

10) Don't let your worries stop you from living your life.

"What can you still do even if you feel anxious? Almost anything."

Not all anxiety is bad. Keep in mind that some highly productive people transform their anxiety into motivation to do better and achieve much, both great and small. - 30241

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Old Fashioned Turkey Recipe For The Perfect Christmas

By Mark Knowles

With Thanksgiving just around the corner everyone is looking for the ultimate roast turkey recipe. If this is the first time to roast a turkey, do not fret. It is much r than you imagine.

Thawing the turkey is the first step. Planning ahead is important, because for every 5 pounds of turkey, you will need to thaw the bird for 24 hours in the refrigerator. It is important to thaw in the refrigerator; otherwise you run the risk of bacteria.

After the thawing is complete, reach into the cavity of the turkey and take out the neck and giblets. Wash the turkey inside and out. Use softened, unsalted butter, and apply on the outside and inside the bird. Use salt and pepper to taste.

The turkey can now be transferred to a cooking pan, with the breast up. Using a shallow dark pan is best. Shiny pans look nice, but the cooking time will be longer if you use one. Some people like to stuff their turkey, and others choose to make a dressing on the side. If you decide to stuff the bird, do it right before you put it into the over. A couple of cups of turkey stock added to the bottom of the pan will help keep the bird moist.

Covering, or not covering, the turkey is up to you. If your old fashioned roasting pan has a lid included, that will work best. An aluminum tent is another option, as is a traditionaling bag. It is not advisable to use a paper shopping bag. Many shopping bags contain recycled paper and could contain toxins.

Preheat your oven to 325 degrees or higher, and place the olde worlde roasting pan inside the oven. The turkey should be basted every 30 minutes, using the juices that collect in the pan. If you decided to cover the turkey, the cover should be removed after cooking for 2 hours. The amount of time for cooking a turkey will vary. For the most accurate cooking advice, ask the butcher at your local supermarket.

See, that was not difficult. This traditional turkey recipe promises to be simple and will please your whole family. - 30241

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Great Spice Racks

By Donna Jonston

A spice rack is a stable feature of each kitchen - yes, even if you never cook. Face it, it's good and it makes you appear to be you do cook. Spice racks are retailed in department stores, specialty stores, kitchen accessory stores, and on the web. Keep in mind these items also make nice house warming gifts, or any-occasion gift for an individual that likes to cook. Spice racks come in many different sizes and styles : wood, metal, plastic, and acrylic. They also come in countertop style, wall mounted style, and in drawer style.

So the next question is after purchasing a spice rack, what spices should be placed in it? Some spice racks can be purchased with spices included in nice boxes ( again in either wood, metal, plastic, or acrylic ). Some spice rack continues has the kind of spice preprinted on the apex of each of the individual containers.

Spices are outlined as a dried seed, root, bark, fruit, leaf or vegetables used in little quantities to add flavor or color to your food. You may commonly find the following spices in a spice rack, particularly if you purchase a spice rack that already contains spices : rosemary, dill seed, basil, bay leaves, cardamom, caraway, marjoram, paprika, parsley, thyme, mustard powder, and tarragon. Refills of these spices can be discovered at grocery stores, connoisseur stores, health and organic food stores, and online.

Rosemary - used to flavor roasted chickens, fish, meat, and veggies.
Dill seed - employed in spreads, salads, vegetables, stews, soups, and preserving.
Basil - used to flavor stuffing, soup, stews, sauces, chickens, fish, and meet.
Bay leaves - employed in many dishes throughout the world, particularly in soups, sauces, and stews or seasoning of fish, beef or poultry.
Cardamom - used principally in dishes from the Near and Far East.
araway - used principally in dishes from Germany, Austria, Eastern Europe,a d Scandinavia.
Paprika - used mainly with Hungarian dishes, used in the remainder of the world as a garnish.
Parsley - used to flavour soups, sauces, stews, rice dishes, veg, and fish.
Thyme - used to flavour beef, lamb, veal, fish, chickens, stuffing,veggies, and stews.
Mustard powder - used to flavor developed eggs, beets, barbecue sauces, baked beans, and many beef dishes.
Tarragon - used to flavor salads, tartar sauces, and veal.

There are benefits and drawbacks of purchasing a spice rack that already contains spices. The good thing about buying one with spices included is that you will not need to buy them individually which would be an additional expense, and make the effort to individually fill each container. On the other hand, if you buy the rack without the spices included, and the containers don't have the names of the spices preprinted on them, you can fill the spice boxes yourself with the spices that you use most frequently.

The benefits of having a spice rack in your kitchen, assuming you do cook, is most definitely organization and the convenience of having all your spices in one location, and a space saver in a kitchen that can all too easily become cluttered. Just a word of advice on the position of your spice rack, don't place it too closely to the oven because heat from the cooker can be harmful to the virility of the spices. - 30241

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Use Nitric Oxide Today For Great Weight Loss

By Laura Croff

If you are interested in losing weight or being able to get faster muscle gains, you might want to take a look at nitric oxide.

So, what is nitric oxide exactly? It has been shown to greatly aid all people in getting quicker recovery times from sports activity as well as help people lose weight and maintain a particular shape.

These reasons make it so that nitric oxide is often used by sports athletes because they often lead active lives when doing their athletic activities.

Nitric oxide is often used by champions of sports because it is so effective in doing its job of increasing metabolism and boosting the energy levels of anyone who uses it.

So, to get started, all you need to do is get your hands on a nitric oxide supplement and then continue to take it daily. You will then begin to notice how your body responds to it and in particular how your metabolism will speed up and give you the weight loss that you have been desiring.

Additionally, you will get all the great benefits we have talked about up until now and will be ready to burn all the excess weight that you may have.

So, go ahead and get your hands on some nitric oxide and begin today! Nothing is stopping you from beginning now. If you take this into your hands now, you will experience the benefits that it can bring you and then you can begin to move on to other accomplishments like starting a new schedule in your life that you know is right for you. Doing so will lead to greater achievements that you will begin to enjoy and will only propel you on further. - 30241

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A Nervous Breakdown

By Carlo Mueres

A nervous breakdown refers to a mainstream and often-used term to generically describe someone who experiences a bout of mental illness that is so severe, it directly impacts their ability to function in everyday life. The specific mental illness can be anything - depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, or something else. But the reference to a "nervous breakdown" usually refers to the fact that the person has basically stopped their daily routines - going to work, interacting with loved ones or friends, even just getting out of bed to eat or shower.

A nervous breakdown can be seen as a sign that one's ability to cope with life or a mental illness has been overwhelmed by stress, life events, work or relationship issues. By disconnecting from their regular responsibilities and routines, an individual's nervous breakdown may allow them to try and regroup their coping skills and temporarily relieve the stress in their life.

Someone with a nervous breakdown may be seen as having "checked out" from society temporarily. They no longer maintain their social relationships with others, and find it difficult or impossible to go to work and may call in sick multiple days in a row. People with a nervous breakdown often don't even have the coping resources available to take care of themselves, or do much more than rudimentary self-care and maintaining. They may over-eat (if it provides them comfort) or simply fail to eat altogether, not feeling the need or energy to do so.

Since a nervous breakdown is not a clinical or scientific term, it's meaning can also vary in terms of its length and severity, as well as outcomes. Many people who suffer from a nervous breakdown usually seek out treatment (or have treatment sought out on their behalf by a loved one), and treatment is usually on the serious end of the spectrum of all the interventions available. Inpatient hospitalization for a serious nervous breakdown would not be unusual, to help a person become stabilized and find an effective treatment strategy for the mental disorder they're affected by.

People who suffer from a nervous breakdown and seek out treatment for it will usually recover from the most extreme depths of the "breakdown" within a few weeks' time (which may be quickened with inpatient psychiatric treatment). Longer-term recovery usually takes months of ongoing outpatient treatment with mental health specialists, such as a psychiatrist or psychologist.

A nervous breakdown is not a condition to be afraid of, as it is simply an indication of overhwelming stress and mental illness in a person's life. Loved ones and friends of someone who is suffering from a nervous breakdown should be supportive of the individual's efforts in seeking help for it. - 30241

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Why Should You Switch to a Raw Food Vegan Diet? Here's 3 Reasons Why

By Alistair Bedingford

A raw food diet is one in which at least 75% of food consumed is not cooked (above a temperature of 115F). The consumption of "living" or raw food has myriad benefits. Here are three.

Benefit 1 - Rapid Weight Loss

It is a widely studied fact that consumption of raw food results in rapid and drastic weight loss. The reason is incredibly simple. Raw plant foods have a very high fiber to calorie ratio. They are packed with very filling fiber but are comparatively low in calories. As a result, people on raw food vegan diets eat as much as they feel like and still lose weight.

Benefit 2 - Improved Health

Besides the obvious health benefits of weight loss (reduced likelihood of heart disease and diabetes) there are many other ways that eating raw food improves health. Cooking food destroys many of its beneficial components such as vitamins, good bacteria and enzymes. Raw food eaters find digestion much easier and have reported improved energy levels and better skin quality.

Since raw foods don't have preservatives and have significantly less sugar. Eating a raw food vegan diet can make a marked improvement for your overall health and well being.

Benefit 3 -More Environmentally Friendly and Ethical

Most meat eaten in the United States comes from CAFO (Concentrated Animal Feed Operations). These mega feed lots have an atrocious environmental impact and are known for horrendous animal living conditions. In the contrary, an organic raw food vegan diet takes people out of the CAFO system and provides them with food that is ethical, healthy, and better for the earth.

Vegans should make sure to supplement their diets with B12 since it is only found in animal products.

So be healthier, look better and do something that great for the planet - 30241

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How To Choose An Espresso Coffee Maker

By Mark Knowles

Many people enjoy drinking a cup of espresso before going to work for the day. Starbucks is very popular for this reason, as are some of the stores associated with gas stations. However, buying espresso on a daily basis can be expensive, and most people don't have the money to keep doing this. For this reason, if you enjoy espresso, you might want to get your own espresso coffee coffee maker and make coffee in the house.

There are two basic models for espresso coffee makers. Some are steam driven while others are pump driven. Some experts claim that pump driven espresso tastes better; however, chances are that the steam driven coffee machines will make a cup that is to your liking if you aren't a gourmet espresso drinker. The steam driven coffee machines are also cheaper. You should read reviews, talk to other espresso drinkers, and consider which coffee machine fits your budget and kitchen size best before purchasing any coffee machine.

In any case, there are several factors to consider when deciding upon an espresso coffee maker. First, think about how much space you have in your kitchen to devote to such a maker.

If, like many people, you are short on kitchen space, you'll want to get the smallest coffee maker possible. Most people's kitchens are overflowing with appliances, so that using any particular coffee maker becomes an exercise in unplugging and shuffling things on the counter.

A small espresso maker can be easily stored when need be or shoved into a corner when using the counter for something else. Other things you may wish to consider when buying an espresso maker include how easy it is to clean (coffee makers with removable parts will be far more cleaning-friendly) and whether or not it has the ability to set the coffee machine to turn on at a specific time.

Of course, the most important feature is the taste of the coffee itself. Since you can't make a sample cup in the store, your best bet is to talk to friends or family who already have an espresso maker before buying your coffee maker. - 30241

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My Common Sense Weight Loss Routine

By Rebecca Nolans

I'd like to share a quick story with you, now that you're here. This has been a really interesting year for me, full of ups and downs.

Like many Americans, I was laid off from my job earlier in the year. I had nowhere to go all day and I ended up at the computer most of the time. I was eating but I wasn't moving, and this led to a lot of weight gain.

I was confused by this. I generally don't eat too badly, though I do sneak in a few treats here and there. I hadn't changed my eating habits though. The fact that I wasn't as active all day caused the weight gain.

Lucky for me, I've disciplined myself and find myself much lighter than I was just a few short months ago? You may be wondering how I've done it, and it isn't nearly as hard as you might think.

The biggest thing that I did was the fact that I eliminated any and all sodas from my every day drinking habits. I don't care if it's a diet cola that has no calories, I still think it's bad.

Additionally, I took a closer look at the foods I ate and decided to do away with sugar altogether. The only sugar I'd have from here was the sugar that's found naturally in fruits, which happens to taste pretty good.

Exercise is the other part of the plan, and I've been getting a lot of it. Running at the gym nearly every day of the week, I'm more physically fit than I've ever been. I also love the rush I experience after a nice, long run.

The last thing I decided to do was replace all fried and sauteed foods with grilled and baked ones. This was difficult, but like any habit, I became used to it after a few weeks. I have a great body to show for it now, and I never plan to go back to the dark side. - 30241

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Weight Loss Diets To Avoid

By Marie Creek

If you're seriously interested in knowing about fast weight loss tips, you need to think beyond the basics. This informative article takes a closer look at things you need to know about quick weight loss.

Weight loss has become big business and there are many companies offering seemingly miracle cures and treatments. There is, of course, no miracle cure, or any fast, sure-fire way of losing weight; this takes determination and effort. Weight loss, or wasting, is one of the commonest symptoms of untreated HIV infection, and can occur at any stage of infection. It needs to be taken seriously because unintentional loss of weight is often a sign that you may have an active HIV-related infection or disease.

Weight loss is simple, burn more calories then you consume. If you can fully understand that then you are on your way to losing weight. Weight loss is just one of the reasons this berry is being called the number one 'superfood'. The following sections describe how this super food will help you to naturally lose weight. Weight loss may be temporary or may continue at a life-threatening pace.

You may not consider everything you just read to be crucial information about quick weight loss tips. But don't be surprised if you find yourself recalling and using this very information in the next few days.

Weight loss experts show you this exercise plan that promotes weight loss. This workout highlights week 3. Weight loss is one of those subjects that it seems everyone is always talking about. It seems you can't go anywhere without seeing or hearing some type of weight loss message. Weight loss pills could either suppress your appetite to limit your food intake or helps you get rid of your body fats. The assistance that these pills give you must be maintained for long term and must be paired with diet and exercise.

Combine dieting with exercise over a long period of time and you can reach your weight loss goals. There are big differences among all weight loss pills, that's why we provide you our complete review here. You can find books on healthy eating for weight loss, books on fast weight loss, and a variety of other relevant topics.

Many diets work well at first to help you lose weight, however, as your weight loss progress, it becomes increasingly difficult to lose weight, and many people end up giving up the diet. Why do so many people fail at diets? I've been asked to review diets, books, products, food, and even audition for weight loss shows. The Wii Fit is one of the most popular of the weight loss programs that are on the market today.

It never hurts to be well-informed with the latest on fast weight loss tips. Compare what you've learned here to future articles so that you can stay alert to changes in the area of quick weight loss. - 30241

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Ethiopian Coffee History and Ritual

By Habesha Abesha

The coffee ceremony in Ethiopia is an important part of their social life and cultural life. Whenever you are invited by an Ethiopian to his/her traditional coffee ceremony, it means you have been accepted as a friend and you have also earned their respect. It is an excellent example of their hospitality.

If you find yourself as a guest in an Ethiopians house, you would be quick to notice the never-failing coffee service they prepare for their guests.

Their homage to coffee is sometimes ornate, and always beautifully ceremonial. The ceremony is usually conducted by one young woman wearing her traditional Ethiopian clothing of a white dress, with woven borders made up myriads of spectacular colors.

The Ethiopian coffee ritual is hardly a brief affair, and it usually starts with the ceremonial equipments being arranged upon a bed of long scented grasses. Thereafter, the coffee goes through a long process starting with the coffee being roasted on a flat roaster over a small charcoal stove.

Next, the woman who is in charge of the coffee ceremony carefully washes the handful of coffee beans on the heated furnace, then stirs and shakes the remains away. Once the coffee beans have turned black and shining and the aromatic oil is coaxed out of them, they are ground by a pestle and a long handled mortar.

The ground coffee is slowly stirred into the black clay coffee pot locally known as 'jebena', which is round at the bottom with a straw lid.

Due to the archaic method used by Ethiopians, the ground result can be called anything but even, so the coffee is strained through a fine sieve several times.

As the coffee gets ready to be served, the youngest individual is picked to announce the start of the coffee ritual. At which time, the very person (usually) will stand by prepared to hand over the coffees being poured in the small china cups, by the woman in charge. The first cup is, almost all the time, served to the eldest person in the room, with the youngest being the last.

The lady finally serves the coffee in tiny china cups to her family, friends and neighbours who have waited and watched the procedure for the past half-hour. Gracefully pouring a thin golden stream of coffee into each little cup from a height of one foot without an interruption requires years of practice. - 30241

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During Pregnancy A High Fat Diet Can Lead To Severe Liver Disease In Offspring

By Aleksandro Imles

Scientists have discovered a previously unknown link between a mother's diet in pregnancy and a severe form of liver disease in her child.

In a study, published in the journal Hepatology, researchers at the University of Southampton found that a high fat diet during a woman's pregnancy makes her offspring more likely to develop a severe form of fatty liver disease when they reach adulthood. The findings are another piece in the jigsaw for scientists who believe diets containing too high levels of saturated fat may have an adverse effect on our health.

Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is a condition associated with obesity and caused by the build up of fat in the liver. The condition advances in some people and it is important to understand the factors that contribute to disease progression. Until recently, NAFLD was considered rare and relatively harmless but now it is one of the most common forms of liver disease that may progress to cirrhosis a serious life threatening chronic liver disease.

Professor Christopher Byrne, with colleagues Dr Felino Cagampang and Dr Kim Bruce, of the University's School of Medicine and researchers at King's College London, conducted the study, funded by the BBSRC. Prof Byrne explained: "This research shows that too much saturated fat in a mother's diet can affect the developing liver of a fetus, making it more susceptible to developing fatty liver disease later in life. An unhealthy saturated fat-enriched diet in the child and young adult compounds the problem further causing a severe form of the fatty liver disease later in adult life."

The next stage of this research, also funded by the BBSRC, will be to understand, more precisely, the reason why fatty liver disease develops and to intervene to prevent the fatty liver disease occurring.

The University's School of Medicine has a worldwide reputation for its pioneering research into the relationship between mothers' diets in pregnancy and future health problems in their offspring. - 30241

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Health Advantages Of A Vegetarian Diet

By Wayne Truter

While many people lament the nutritional disadvantages of a poorly planned vegetarian diet, few stress the health advantages of adopting a vegetarian or vegan diet. In this article, I will cover the major three nutritional advantages of becoming a vegetarian.

The first major advantage of a vegetarian diet is increased heart health. Vegetarians, on average, consume more nuts (often as a supplemental form of protein). Nuts contain "good" fats, such as omega-3 and omega-6. This promotes good heart health by reducing "bad" cholesterol and unclogging arteries. In addition to nuts, vegetarians also consume more soy milk (often to replace milk), which reduces "bad" cholesterol and has been linked to good heart health.

In addition to preventing death and suffering through dietary selections, some vegans have vow to prevent it in all other capacities.

For instance, some vegans do not wear wool because they believe it contributes to animal suffering.

Antioxidants are foods that help prevent cancer by destroying free radicals. Vitamin C and Vitamin E, two strong antioxidants, are commonly found in vegetarian meals.

For example, many supermarkets offer a variety "protein-fortified" pasta and bread. I have seen pasta that contains as much as 12 grams of protein per serving.

Vitamin E can be found in wheat germ, seed oils, walnuts, almonds, and brown rice--all foods that are commonly a part of a well-balanced vegetarian diet.

If you currently are a vegetarian for ethical reasons, take some time to consider whether or not wearing wool compromises your commitment to end or at least stop contributing to animal suffering.

As a vegetarian you have a number of options to boost your protein intake - and you should consider taking advantage of all of them. You should diversify your food selections, drink more soy products, and eat "protein-fortified" breads and pasta. - 30241

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How To Find The Best Wedding Caterers Essex Can Offer

By Tim Travers

If you are trying to find the best wedding caterers Essex can offer, you will be happy to know that it is not difficult. All you need to do is give yourself enough time to plan so that you can book essential wedding services like a caterer in plenty of time for your wedding.

There are a number of directories available online which list a wide variety of wedding caterers who work in the Essex area. One of the best websites is This website provides links to a number of different wedding service providers that you can select from.

Look for websites that include testimonials from past clients. Ideally, you should be able to contact other couples who have hired the person or business you are considering for your wedding. You want to know that your deposit will reserve your date and not simply vanish along with the company or individual you have hired on. The Local Authority may be particularly useful in determining reliability although you should always do fact checking in addition to relying on a list.

Do you have a friend who was married recently? Did you attend the wedding? If so, did you like the food? If you liked the food you may want to consider asking your friend who their caterer was. Then, see if they are available for hire and what their rates are.

A contract may be your best protection should the relationship between you and your caterer break down. It should specify what the deposit was and when it was paid, what the agreed on meal plan is, and any other clauses or particular items which you feel are most important. It can make settling up accounts much more stress free when both parties know exactly what is expected of them.

Planning a wedding takes more than good taste and happiness. It also takes a willingness to ask about information you are unsure of and being willing to walk away if a deal goes badly. This is your special day and you want to make sure that all aspects of your reception, especially the food, are memorable and will stay in people's minds in a good way. - 30241

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Stevia And Diabetes Compliment One Another

By Kelly Sarr

Many people who have diabetes turn to artificial sweeteners in their diets. These sweeteners have a lot of chemicals and artificial ingredients that are harmful to the body. For this reason many health care professionals are recommending Stevie as an all natural sweetener that contains no chemicals or artificial ingredients and is even sweeter than sugar. You don't have to use that much at all. Just use a little bit at a time. Stevia and diabetes can work together as a blood sugar reducer.

It is also a much healthier alternative to sugar and alternative sweeteners. There are not any calories. It has a zero glycemic index. For those with diabetes Stevia is a great choice. Many people that have diabetes still crave sugar so Stevia is a great way to satisfy that craving without getting sick.

Stevia is used mainly in South America. This is because it actually comes from a South American bush. It has no carbs or calories. If you have diabetes or hyperglycemia then Stevia can actually help regulate the glucose level in your body. It is amazing.

A side effect of Stevia is to lower the blood sugar and also to lower blood pressure. It can promote a healthy and strong heart. Those that use Stevia are healthier. Stevia has many health advantages.

Stevia was recently approved for use in food and drinks of all kinds in the United States. Soon, grocery store shelves will be filled with this sweet sub for sugar.

Stevia can really help those that suffer from diabetes. It is helpful as a health supplement. If you have diabetes you should try it. It can lower your sugar levels and make your body more healthy. - 30241

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Quick Sandwich Ideas For Meals In Minutes

By Laura Cokherell

For busy people who want a quick grab-n-go meal, sandwich wraps are the perfect choice. Using only simple ingredients that you have on hand, you can put together delicious and healthy meals in minutes. They are perfect for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and even snacks whenever you are short on time or energy.

Here is a simple procedure to put a healthy and delicious wrap together in just a little bit of time. It's quick, easy, and flexible and allows for your own tastes, the seasons, or for what you may have on hand at the time you make your sandwich wrap. Just take the ingredients you are using and layer them down the center of the wrap, leaving an inch or so at the bottom to close the wrap when you are finished.

1. Pick the kind of wrap that you want. Try soft tortilla shells, which come in plain or flavored varieties like, spinach, tomato, whole grain, and more. If you want to lighten up your wrap sandwich you could also try large lettuce leaves, kale leaves (just cut out the tough stem and use the soft leafy portion (raw or steamed), or try some cabbage leaves that have been lightly steamed.

2. Select a spread for the wrap base. This is what will go underneath all of your ingredients. Spread a layer, as thin or as thick as you like, on the wrap that you have selected. Here are a few ideas for ingredients to spread on your wrap: mayonnaise, cooked sweet potatoes, sour cream, olive tapenade, or plain or flavored cream cheese.

3. Pick a hearty filling. Place a filling or combination of fillings on the wrap down the center in a strip. Some simple ideas are: cheese (sliced, shredded, or crumbled varieties), tempeh, tofu (baked varieties), leftover cooked chicken (sliced thinly), canned or fresh cooked tuna or salmon, or hard-cooked eggs, etc.

4. Pick out some vegetables or fruit to add to your wrap sandwich. Make it a healthy quick meal by adding a variety of these delicious and nutritious foods to your sandwich.

Vegetable Suggestions: choose from sliced roasted red peppers, sliced scallions, shredded lettuce, peeled and thinly sliced jicama, thinly sliced cucumbers, shredded cabbage, shredded carrots, fresh tomato slices or diced tomatoes, sliced mushrooms, chopped or diced onion, sliced sweet bell peppers, marinated artichoke hearts, thinly sliced fennel, etc.

Fruit Suggestions: use banana slices, fresh berries, diced or sliced apples or pears, sliced grapes, peach slices, sliced strawberries or mango, raisins or dried fruit of choice, etc.

5. Boost the flavor of your wrap. Add a little extra zip to your meal with some simple items that will accent your wrap sandwich. Depending on the fillings you have chosen, here are a few suggestions to get you started.

Crunchy/Salty/Spicy Flavor Toppings: chopped nuts, salsa, pickle relish, a little chopped fresh herbs of choice like mint, oregano, basil, cilantro or dill, a sprinkling of soy sauce, peanut sauce, oyster sauce, or cooked and crumbled bacon bits (regular or vegetarian)

Sweet/Spicy/Crunchy Flavor Toppings: nutmeg or cinnamon, granola (use your favorite flavors), chopped nuts, a spoonful of marmalade or all-fruit spread, a little chutney, shredded coconut, mini-chocolate chips, etc.

Once you have placed all of your ingredients in layers on your wrap, simply fold up the bottom end and then fold in the sides to close the sandwich.

Here are a few easy ideas for some quick and delicious wrap sandwiches.

- tomato flavored tortilla wrap, bottled marinara sauce, provolone cheese slices, cheddar cheese slices, pepperoncini rings, spinach leaves, pine nuts

- whole grain tortilla wrap, peanut butter, canned (drained) fruit cocktail, brown sugar

- spinach flavored tortilla wrap, garlic hummus, grilled chicken slices, thinly sliced cucumber, sliced apples, chopped fresh mint

- whole grain tortilla wrap, peanut butter, sliced pears, blueberries, honey, nutmeg

- lettuce leaf, mustard, smoked turkey slices, chopped sun-dried tomatoes, ricotta cheese

- lettuce leaf, mustard, deli ham slices, roasted red pepper slices, goat cheese

- whole grain tortilla wrap, Dijon mustard, scrambled egg, marinated artichoke hearts (drained and chopped), sour cream, pitted and chopped green olives

- whole grain tortilla wrap, oyster sauce, baked tofu (thinly sliced), sliced radishes, sauerkraut (drained), chopped peanuts - 30241

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Coordinating A Photographer For Your Wedding Day

By Cherry Patel

Preparing for your wedding can be overwhelming, and selecting the right wedding photographer is a huge part of your wedding. It's important that you look at a wide variety of photographers and choose on the styles and techniques that you would prefer on your wedding day.

1. Carefully Study Their Photos

The photography that is shot might well be the most crucial part of picking a wedding photographer. Examine their work closely and ask yourself if you really like the photos they have taken. What is your opinion of the construction, design, and the layout of the album? Is every photograph in focus and are the colors clear and bright?

2. Investigate The Studio

Request the name of the photographer who is taking pictures at your wedding (since larger studios have several photographers), and check their portfolio. Another alternative is a photographer who is not as big in the business. Typically, you know who to expect, and you're familiar with their work from their display photographs, and the quality of their service might be better when you work with a single person.

3. Planning Your Photographic Requirements

When you choose your professional wedding photographer, you should talk to them and plan how you want wedding to be photographed and what photos you want taken. It's best when you do some planning because you will be more comfortable and less stressed on the big day. The photography will look more natural and you can schedule things but still have time to get everything done like a nicely paced photo shoot in the most flattering light.

When you meet with the photographer to discuss your day, you will need to make a decision about the number of photos desired. You and the photographer will break the wedding day into 4 stages for photos: pre-wedding, the actual ceremony, any organized or location shots, and last but not least, the reception.

After signing a contract with the wedding photographer, you can relax and have a good time at your wedding. - 30241

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What Exactly Are Organic Coffee Beans/

By Bart Forcey

Environmental awareness has awakened the sense in consumers to preserve the resources supplied by mother nature. What better consumable to start the earth saving project of organic farming with than growing of organic coffee beans?

The best organic coffee beans are grown in Africa. The farmers plant their coffee trees in naturally mulched and composted soil under other vegetation such as banana trees. Here the coffee plants flourish as the other vegetation provide shelter from direct sunlight and heavy rain allowing just enough light and rain through for the coffee trees to grow healthy and strong without added hormones and chemicals. Non-synthetic pesticides may only be used in terms of the organic growing organizations regulations.

Coffee beans firmly occupy the second spot just after oil in terms of world trade.Although seemingly unimportant to the average person, this little seed has a market capacity of an estimated Seventy Billion American Dollars. Trade organizations fixed minimum prices on the beans as pricing in the past had been hit hardest by price fluctuation caused by market conditions. Minimum price fixing could not have come at a better time as coffee farmers and traders will not suffer the impact of worldwide recession.

When ready for harvesting, seeds are carefully picked from the coffee trees as a tree produces a mere 2.20 pounds of coffee beans per year. The beans are soaked in water until no pulp is present around the seeds. The seeds are then dried in the sun and weighed. After the weighing, the seeds are prepared for their long journey across the world to various coffee drinking countries. The seeds are sacked and re-weighed where it's then stored in special organic produce store rooms and safe guarded until auction and final shipment is done.

A downside to organic produce is the scarcity of the products. Organic foods have a tendency to be associated with higher prices to consumers due to the products' steeper pricing in relation to conventional products. Prices are higher due to various direct and indirect influences such as low yields, higher labor requirements, business start-up financing and additional land needs.

Organic coffee farmers have to comply with strict International rules and regulations prescribed by independent organic organizations, Fair Trade and KNCU (Kilimanjaro Native Cooperative Union). Compliance with these directives entail recognition for producing and supplying high quality coffee beans of international standards, which in turn assist the farmers of organic coffee beans to tap into global markets.

Farmers of organic coffee beans and their nations make a commitment to changing their lives for the better by taking positive actions in countries often labeled as third world. By participating in farming of organic coffee beans, these farmers are helping to build up their communities, establish better health care and education opportunities as well as creating brighter economic futures. - 30241

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Organic Honey - Sweet And Healthy

By Esther George

Let's face it; organic honey is simply delicious, and what's more, it's sweet, and it's healthy. In fact, organic honey is literally loaded with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, all of which help to maintain a healthy immune system. Of course, in order to prevent the honey from becoming contaminated, the process for obtaining it requires a considerable amount of care. Basically, if the label on a jar of honey says that it's organic, then you can be sure that it doesn't contain anything which could be potentially harmful for you. You can be rest assured that the USDA is extremely strict at enforcing their regulations concerning this.

Even the bee keepers are required to follow certain guidelines and standards in order to protect the natural habitat in which the bee's are raised. This is essentially because the bees cannot be allowed to come into contact with any type of antibiotic or other synthetic chemicals which are often used in the agricultural sector. In fact, it's largely due to these stringent standards, that organic honey is so beneficial to your health.

Interestingly enough, several scientific studies have proven beyond all doubt that organic honey is good for you. Honey can for example be used to treat sore throats, common calls, and even bronchial problems. It can also be used to help treat a number of stomach related problems such as ulcers. Furthermore, honey contains certain enzymes which help you to digest food. Lastly but not least, honey can be used to treat wounds in order to speed up the healing process. This is of course because honey is rich in natural antibacterial and antifungal properties, and because of its thick constituency, it also provides a natural barrier to open wounds.

Furthermore, because honey as a low PH and high sugar content, it's highly effective at preventing the growth of bacteria on wounds. In fact, honey is in some ways similar to hydrogen peroxide, in that they both have a similar antiseptic action. Honey has also been used for hundreds of years already in order to treat burns, in that it helps to reduce the pain by keeping the burn moist. It also tends to form a skin/seal over the burn, thus helping to prevent infections. It is also believed that when honey is used to treat burns, the resultant scars will not be as noticeable as they would be, had the burn been treated with something else instead.

Many people think organic honey tastes better than honey that's made with added chemicals. It's also gentle on your stomach and easy to digest. It may contain some friendly bacteria that are good for the health of your digestive system. Other benefits of honey are the energy it can give you from fructose and glucose. These natural sugars cause glycogen to store in your liver and muscles which is why you'll feel more energy. Some studies state that athletes perform better when they eat honey because it keeps blood sugar levels regulated and also heals muscles. Your immune system may even be boosted if you consume organic honey because of its antioxidants.

One great thing about organic honey is that you can now buy it in crystal form. Of course this means that you can benefit from this natural wonder without having to worry about stickiness. Organic honey crystals are made by using pure organic honey and organic cane juice. The crystals contain absolutely no additives at all, so of course they are perfect for adding to a number of different recipes. You can also add organic honey crystals to your tea and coffee, and even to breads, puddings, cereals, and smoothies. - 30241

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Holiday Cookie Exchange Planning Guide

By Marion Wilkinson

Have you ever dreamed of having so many different cookies at Christmas and you didn't have to bake them all yourself? Well, here's were a Cookie Exchange comes into play. With a bit of planning ahead, you can have a great exchange with little effort.

Begin by thinking of the number of people you would like to attend and ask them to bring 1/2 dozen bagged or boxed cookies for each one invited. Have them bring extra so that you serve them with punch or any other beverage you choose.

I always try to come with a theme for each of my Cookie Exchanges. An example would be a Winter Wonderland, with white, silver and blue decorations, another would be an old fashioned Christmas, with vintage ornaments, handmade ornaments and strings of popcorn on your tree. Have fun with your decorations, mix and match over the years and you'll have many options for themes.

During our evening together, my guests always look forward to some games. I supply small, inexpensive gifts as prizes and everyone goes home with a prize. One of our favorite games is trying to figure out what the Christmas song title is by only having the first letter of each word available. An example would be, JB = Jingle Bells. It looks easy, but it can be challenging if your guests aren't up on their Christmas music. Christmas BINGO and Christmas movie trivia are always a huge hit too.

Why not make a small cookbook of the cookie recipes that everyone brings. I've done this every year with great success and anticipation by my guests. You can either make the booklets up right after the party and send them out, or wait until next year and hand them out at the party. Either way, your guests will appreciate this gesture.

Last, but certainly not least, is to have fun! I tell my guests that it's not really about the cookies it's about sharing some time with friends around a plate of these tasty morsels! If you feel it's too much work for you during the holiday season, why not ask a good friend or relative to co-sponsor the event with you. This way everyone has a great time and no one is stressed out. Whatever you choose, have fun and eat a cookie for me! - 30241

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Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Mexican Spices

By Ken Kudra

The Mexican spices which most of us think of first are cumin and chili peppers; however, cumin is actually a relative newcomer to Mexican cuisine, which was introduced by the Spaniards along with a few others, which we now think of as integral to Mexican cooking. Other spices including chilies, however, have been a part of the country's culinary scene for many centuries, long predating the arrival or Europeans in the new world.

Chilies are one of the most ancient of Mexican spices, having been used for millennia. Hot peppers, just like bell peppers, potatoes and tomatoes are actually native to the Americas. Peppers have always been an important part of the diet in Mexico, a status they retain to this very day.

Jalapenos are the most familiar of these peppers to people in the US. They are commonly used in salsas and pickled for use as a condiment as well as diced for use fresh. The Serrano pepper, a smaller, slightly hotter pepper is also seen relatively often in the US. Many Mexican food recipe are nearly unthinkable without these fiery vegetables. Other peppers such as pasillas and anchos are commonly dried and then ground; others are smoked, such as chipotle peppers (which are actually smoked jalapenos).

Some of the Mexican culinary herbs, which are native to the country, include epazote, culantro, and Mexican oregano, all of which are very important to various Mexican recipes. Used very often in Mexican and Caribbean cooking, culantro is largely unknown in the US and hard to find other than in Mexican groceries. Its flavor, however, is similar enough to cilantro that this herb may be substituted if you cannot find the real thing in your area.

Despite its name, Mexican oregano is not even a relative of the old world herb of the same name. While their flavors are similar enough that Greek oregano can be substituted if needed, this herb is actually related to lemon verbena, not oregano. Its flavor is slightly stronger than that of the oregano used in Greek and Italian cooking and can be found dried in Mexican groceries and specialty spice markets.

Epazote, on the other hand, is an herb for which there is no real substitute. This herb is used to flavor beans in traditional Mexican recipes. While its flavor is something like that of tarragon, it is not recommended to substitute this or any other herb in a Mexican recipe, which calls for epazote. It has a flavor which is all its own.

Cumin is a spice, which is strongly associated with Mexican cooking, just as it is with Greek, Turkish and other cuisines of the Mediterranean. It was the Spanish who introduced this spice to Mexico, where it quickly became a favorite and is now part of many Mexican dishes.

In a way, Mexican food represents one of the world's first fusion cuisines, with flavors and ingredients both native to the Americas as well as those, which came over to the new world from Europe. It is a marriage of flavors and culinary techniques, which has been an incredibly successful one - without the blend of old world and new world flavors, which define Mexican food, it just would not be the same. - 30241

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Tips To Eating Healthier

By Selene Foong

Maintaining a healthy body in a modern world where fast food and unhealthy junk food is easily accessible is no easy task. It is even harder to choose between sinfully delicious but totally unhealthy junk like potato chips, french fries, sweets, pastries, cakes and carrots, celery, fruits and vegetables.

It is always pretty easy to grab fast food as sustenance when on the go without thinking about the consequence of what it does to your body. So, when one has to choose between a delicious burger and a plate of fresh green salad, many will choose the burger. Eating unhealthy food all the time will cause obesity and also other health conditions like diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol and heart disease.

When you constantly eat unhealthy food, it will shorten your life span and also cause an impact on your quality of life as you may be afflicted with various health conditions that require constant medical attention. So, here I would like to share some steps on how you can change your diet for the better without depriving or starving yourself.

1. When you are on the go - if you are in a hurry and need a quick bite, don't just settle for chips or a greasy fast food burger. You can always go for the healthier option of a healthy, wholemeal sandwich. You can grab such sandwiches at places like Subway. Always remember to ask for extra vegies, choose the wholemeal bread and for dressing, don't ask for mayo but choose the healthier sauces like olive oil or even a tad of mustard.

2. When you eat out - some people don't cook because they either don't have the time or do not have the interest to do so. So, they eat out a lot and when eating out, you are faced with a lot of choices. It is important that you choose to go to a healthier place for your meals instead of going to a fast food place. Choose a restaurant or a small cafe that offers healthy options like salads, grilled dishes and even smaller portions. Even if you don't feel like eating salads every day, you can choose mains of grilled chicken or fish which is healthier than deep fried. Keep away from the chicken skin and always ask for extras of the vegetables. Instead of going for the mashed potatoes or fries, ask for baked potato and yes, ask for dressing aside.

3. Going to parties or during festivals - during holidays like Christmas, Thanksgiving and even the New Year's Eve parties, loads of goodies like cakes, cookies and highly unhealthy food will prove to be very tempting. Of course, you don't want to deprive yourself during the celebrations but instead of stuffing yourself with everything on the table, you should reduce your portion. You want to try out that delicious pie, then take a slice and keep it at that. As long as you eat in moderation and do not overeat. Also, remember to fill up on fresh greens and fruits first before going for the mains and desserts.

You do not have to count calories at all but just to reduce your meal portions and eat more greens and fruits. This way, your pounds will slowly drop away as your body adjust to the healthy foods. You will not be starving your body but instead, eating healthily and giving your body the nutrition it needs from healthy foods. Try these steps and see the difference. - 30241

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A History of Coffee Adoration in Recent Times

By Damian Papworth

Who could have ever guessed that one of the next big things in gourmet movements could be coffee for such a long time? It used to be that coffee was just part of a meal, but now knowing about it is an important part of most foodie repertoires. But more important than if you know some Jamaican Blue from some Java beans, coffee is a beverage for socializing, and a love for coffee helps make it easier to meet people worldwide.

A lot of people who think they know a lot about coffee actually don't, really, because they assume that in cultures where coffee is consumed more, people know more about it. The fact of the matter is that just because a country drinks coffee every day, it doesn't mean that the people sitting in the cafes know any more or any less about it than your average Starbucks customer. It's just a part of the culture, and a huge part of socializing.

But for a little bit of history on coffee: not every country is capable of growing the beans, because they require weather conditions that are pretty precise. The most popular place that exports coffee is actually Columbia. And most important of all, espresso is not a variety of bean! This is the biggest beginner mistake that people seem to make. Espresso is just finely-packed coffee that is ground very, very small, making it more potent. The machines were only developed in northern Italy about a hundred years ago, so it doesn't even go back in history that far. It's just so great and potent that it took the coffee world by storm.

There's a lot to be said about developing a love for coffee at a younger age. Instead of just getting hopped up on caffeine and sugar, it's nice to practice drinking such a distinguished beverage. Because really, that's what coffee ultimately is: a more appropriate social drink that you can't get drunk on.

In fact, ordering coffee is one of the biggest parts of learning to drink it, and if you're going to be using coffee to socialize in new and exciting places, you should probably know what you're getting yourself into. Except early in the morning on the way to work, when you stand at the bar and do a shot of espresso, drinking coffee in Italy is going to set you back at least an afternoon. The same is true in France. Those are a couple of the only countries where you can order a shot of espresso and make it last for a couple of hours, so order accordingly.

Don't feel bad if you want a drink with more taste than simply "caffeine is pumping through my veins." A love for coffee doesn't have to mean running around wound up all day. Go for the beverage with a bunch of milk and cream, add sugar, sip slowly (which should be easy, since an afternoon coffee in France could take hours), and don't worry about looking uncultured. You're doing just fine.

Want to make sure you don't make any mistakes when you're out drinking coffee in public? Just order a simple beverage, and pay attention to what everyone else is getting. If they get elaborate foamy drinks that take a while to drink, and you're stuck holding a shot of espresso that's not designed to be sipped, then you're going to throw the balance off. Order a big drink when other people are ordering big drinks, and a small drink when people are ordering small drinks, and if in doubt, just add as much sugar as you want.

And if it all seems like too much, just remember: a love for coffee is made, not born. You've got time to figure out which version is best for you. - 30241

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6 Reasons to Try Tasty Baked Chicken Recipes

By Scott Maples

Lately I've been looking around for healthy, easy-to-fix recipes for my family so that we can stay away from high-calorie, high-carb fast food.

My goal is to make meals that are nutritious and inexpensive, don't require too much time in the kitchen, are tasty, and most importantly, that the kids will like!

The biggest hit has been with baked chicken recipes baked chicken recipes.

You may wonder why such an old concept as baked chicken is so popular with my family?

1. These recipes for baked chicken use all natural ingredients, so they are healthy and nutritious.

The cooking process is healthier, avoiding the use of oil or fat for frying and the chicken itself is packed with nutrition.

Eating baked chicken dishes has been an excellent first step for my family to start eating a balanced diet. This is becuase it goes so well with a large varierty of fresh foods, making it easier to incorporate vegetables into our meals.

2. Baked chicken recipes are also much faster to prepare than many other options.

The last things anyone wants to do after a long day at work is to spend hours in the kitchen. Many of the baked chicken recipes we found are 'one pot' recipes that take little preparation and cook themselves.

This allows you to be lazy and efficient at the same time!

3. The recipes for baked chicken are delicious and versatile.

We have an extremely picky eater in our youngest daughter, so we take care to try to prepare meals that will please her. We don't want to start the habit of preparing separate meals for every person in the family. It's very important to us for the family to all eat the same meal together.

So baked chicken dishes are an excellent choice for us. All of the recipes we've tried have been a big hit with everyone, mostly because the mild taste of chicken is pleasing to everyone at the table.

4. Baked chicken meals are not difficult to prepare.

I don't have a lot of time to spend in the kitchen, and I am hardly an experienced cook, but the baked chicken recipes have been easy to make even for me. I've been absolutely amazed at just how easy it is to make baked chicken.

One thing that helps is that you can purchase chicken in a variety of types, from whole chicken to boneless, skinless breasts and everything in between. But it is also true that it is just the nature of a baked chicked recipe that it's quick and easy to assemble.

You don't need to know any fancy cooking techniques or complicated procedures. With baked chicken recipes, you get simple, tasty meals.

5. Baked chicken recipes don't cost the earth.

Our family is on a tight budget these days, so it's necessary to keep our grocery bills as low as we can.

Like most people, we are trying to stay on a budget, and a major part of our budget is groceries. Baked chicken recipes can be prepared for a fraction of what would be spent on a convenience meal.

6. Baked chicken recipes even please picky eaters.

Even our faddy children enjoy these recipes and can actually get involved in cooking them as they are so easy. They'd eat baked chicken every night if we let them.

It truly is a miracle for us to be able to cook healthy meals that satisfy the kids, our time constraints and our budget needs.

Watch this space for some of the baked chicken recipes we found successful. - 30241

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Using Organic Sugar And Other Natural Sweeteners

By Esther George

Sugar is sweet, but that is its only redeeming value. Americans eat sugar to excess; it is hidden in many of the foods we eat today. Our national sweet tooth has led to an epidemic of obesity and chronic diseases like diabetes. Refined sugar has no nutritional value and is simply empty calories as opposed to natural sweeteners that at least offer some nutrients. What is worse, refined sugar leads to an increased production of insulin and diabetes.

Sugar is basically sweet poison, and there is no good reason to use it. Natural sweeteners can provide the same sweet taste without the harmful effects. Honey, for example, is a natural sweetener that has a good taste and is good for you too. Honey does have a disadvantage in that it is sticky and too thick to spread over cereal or dissolve in cold drinks like tea.

However, there are some great products on the market now that solve the honey dilemma. You can buy dried honey crystals and sweet honey flakes so you can shake honey onto any food you want to sweeten. The flakes easily dissolve in cold tea or hot coffee and are an ideal natural sweetener to use as a substitute for sugar.

You can dramatically reduce the amount of sugar your family consumes by buying unsweetened foods and flavoring them yourself at home with natural sweeteners. Rather than buying those sugar coated cereal flakes for your kids, buy the healthier non-sweetened variety and let your kids add their own honey flakes. Buy unsweetened tea and add your healthy natural sweeteners rather than buying store brands that are loaded with sugar, high fructose corn syrup, or chemical sweeteners.

It is almost impossible to avoid products today that contain high fructose corn syrup and white sugar. They are in nearly everything because they are so addictive and cheap. Food manufacturers sell more products because sugar addicted consumers keep lining up for more in order to get a quick fix for their sugar cravings.

Natural Sweeteners and Organic Sugar are so much better for you. Organic sugar, also called cane sugar, is the pure product without all the processing that strips away the healthy parts. The pure sugar does not have that beautiful pure white color, but its beauty is that it is not harming your body.

Switching to organic sugar makes it easy to use natural sweeteners because it can be used in recipes just like refined sugar. You can cook and bake with it and your recipes taste just the same. It also dissolves easily in drinks. Organic sugar does not destroy your health like refined sugar does. You may not get sick right away when you eat refined sugar but the effects develop over time.

Use Natural Sweeteners or Organic Sugar whenever you can. You will not notice any lack of taste, but you will notice an improvement in your health. There is so much food out there from fast food to frozen dinners that is easy and tempting, but the long term costs of such convenience are huge. Taking the extra time to find healthy alternatives, like honey crystals and other Natural Sweeteners will be some of the most worthwhile time you can spend. - 30241

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Restaurant Design-Good Design Fundamentals Lead To Restaurant Success

By John Tan

Many restaurants tend to do very good business. This is because they can give a large number of people an enjoyable experience at the same time as a good meal away from home.

Some restaurants do better than others. There are a variety of reasons for this, but there are some steps that can be taken to make success more likely.

Hiring an interior designer that has a lot of experience working with restaurants can help make it easier to come up with a good restaurant design that will help the restaurant to be successful.

Before choosing the different design elements that are to be used in a restaurant, it would be a good idea to spend a little time researching the different options.

By taking a look at the competition in the area, many restaurant owners can easily see what works and what doesn't. They also find that talking to their current customers or the demographics of the area help with knowing what styles are most popular.

Some restaurant owners fall into the trap of following the latest trends in restaurant design. This isn't usually a good idea because trends often change, and then a redesign of the restaurant will be necessary in order to keep it from looking outdated. Using classic design elements tends to result in a longer lasting and more successful restaurant design.

Choosing the appropriate dinnerware and silverware is also an important aspect of restaurant design. Dining establishments that serve international delicacies, such as Oriental, Mexican, and Italian foods, will find that using colorful dinnerware that complements the food enhances the dining experience.

Whatever choice is made for these elements, make sure they are durable and strong to hold up to extended use. This also goes with the tables, chairs and other decor within the restaurant.

The decor and lighting along with the overall theme in any restaurant should really make the customers feel as though they belong. Whether the theme is focused on elegance or casual dining, it is essential that the lighting be soft and the chairs be comfortable so that it feels welcoming to anyone who enters.

As with any restaurant operating today, it takes a lot of combined elements within the exterior and interior design, to create a welcoming atmosphere that will make the customers keep coming back for more. - 30241

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Developing Cooking Classes for Teens

By Jermaine Wilder

Developing cooking classes for teens can be a worthwhile " and potentially rewarding " endeavor nowadays. As the ability to cook starts getting viewed as something to be proud of in teen and tween circles, we are seeing more and more teens seeking to sign up for cooking classes, and there are hardly enough courses to meet the need.

But while developing cooking classes for teens has potential to be rewarding there are some things you need to take into consideration if you are to make a success out of that effort. This is because the teen mind is quite different from either the adult mind or the child's mind, meaning that the task of designing cooking classes for teens has to be approached with a lot of care if one is to come up with a course that will find widespread acceptance with teens.

Cooking classes for teens, for instance, have to be fun. This means presenting the concepts in a friendly manner, and in the case of internet-based courses, having a friendly user interface. Anything that is not fun simply wont be accepted by teens. And anyone who has worked with teens at some point will aver to the difficulty of trying to get them to do something that they find not to be fun.

These classes have to be moderately challenging. Give teens something that is not challenging enough and they get bored (and simply give up on it). Give teens something that is too challenging on the other hand " and they soon get discouraged and simply give up on it too.

It must not be too time consuming. If taking the cooking classes ends up taking too much of the teens time (and therefore eating up into time set aside for other activities in the teens life) it risks ending up being resented " or even shunted to a siding altogether " when the individual teens reconsider their priorities.

Cooking classes for teens have to offer some immediate (instant) rewards for the teens taking them. The rewards can be something as simple as the acquisition of the ability to do something that the student couldn't do at the beginning of the class, and so on. This means that cooking classes for teens that are task-oriented rather than theory-oriented are likely to be more successful as the teens want to see the returns on the time they invest in the learning immediately. - 30241

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