Why Should You Switch to a Raw Food Vegan Diet? Here's 3 Reasons Why

By Alistair Bedingford

A raw food diet is one in which at least 75% of food consumed is not cooked (above a temperature of 115F). The consumption of "living" or raw food has myriad benefits. Here are three.

Benefit 1 - Rapid Weight Loss

It is a widely studied fact that consumption of raw food results in rapid and drastic weight loss. The reason is incredibly simple. Raw plant foods have a very high fiber to calorie ratio. They are packed with very filling fiber but are comparatively low in calories. As a result, people on raw food vegan diets eat as much as they feel like and still lose weight.

Benefit 2 - Improved Health

Besides the obvious health benefits of weight loss (reduced likelihood of heart disease and diabetes) there are many other ways that eating raw food improves health. Cooking food destroys many of its beneficial components such as vitamins, good bacteria and enzymes. Raw food eaters find digestion much easier and have reported improved energy levels and better skin quality.

Since raw foods don't have preservatives and have significantly less sugar. Eating a raw food vegan diet can make a marked improvement for your overall health and well being.

Benefit 3 -More Environmentally Friendly and Ethical

Most meat eaten in the United States comes from CAFO (Concentrated Animal Feed Operations). These mega feed lots have an atrocious environmental impact and are known for horrendous animal living conditions. In the contrary, an organic raw food vegan diet takes people out of the CAFO system and provides them with food that is ethical, healthy, and better for the earth.

Vegans should make sure to supplement their diets with B12 since it is only found in animal products.

So be healthier, look better and do something that great for the planet - 30241

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