Constipation Remedies: Why Natural Remedies May Be All You Need

By Kelly Coolman

The symptoms of constipation can effect how you feel physically as well as emotionally. It's not easy to feel at your best when your blocked up and uncomfortable.

Fantastic natural constipation remedies exist, and you might have already tried some laxative-based constipation remedies in a desperate attempt to relieve your constipation symptoms.

However, with a few simple adjustments to your lifestyle you could avoid buying off-the-shelf constipation remedies at all.

Here are my 5 essential tips to naturally banish constipation forever, without purchasing constipation remedies. Follow my simple steps below and you'll feel less bloated, lighter and healthier, and more confident in yourself - guaranteed.

1. Eat the right food.

Wholewheat foods are much better for the digestive system than highly refined white products so try to avoid white and stick to brown.

Not only do refined foods have little bulk which helps fill you up and speed digestion, they also have much of the goodness removed so are generally less healthy.

Instead, stick to wholewheat and whole foods, such as wholemeal bread, fruit, lightly cooked vegetables. Avoid packaged, processed food where possible.

Eating a healthy wholesome diet prevents the blockages that processed, fake food can lead to.

Also, eating whole, good food high in fibre helps your body get rid of toxins and waste, and further helps you absorb the full benefit of the nutrients in your food too. All this is essential for making you feel good about yourself and avoiding the awful symptoms of constipation.

Out of all constipation remedies, eating the right food is the most effective action you can take.

2. Take plenty of fluids

Yes, water. Aim for around 8-10 glasses of plain water a day. Water naturally flushes your digestive system and helps the fibre in your food along its way. It's an essential part of the whole digestive process.

Drink more water - simple!

3. Take your time

Food should be enjoyed and savored. Bolting meals down doesn't allow the body to produce the necessary enzymes that begin the process of digestion.

Chew your food properly too. You'll feel fuller much quicker, which not only helps get rid of constipation, but also can help with weight loss too. Result!

4. Exercise.

3 x 20 minute burst of energy each week is enough to boost your digestion and metabolism. You don't have to run a marathon.

Regular exercise relieves constipation by strengthening your muscles, making your food move faster through the body and generally making you feel better all round.

Think about how could you incorporate more exercise into your day - even a brisk walk will work wonders.

Your body will thank you with regular, healthy bowel movements, I promise.

5. Eat at the right times.

When you sleep, your body goes into shut down. If you eat late before you go to bed, you put tremendous strain on your body, which tries to digest your food while trying to rest.

While you're sleeping you also can't digest nutrients from your food, and your body stops pushing your food through properly.

Even worse, because you can't drink water while sleeping, you also deny your body a crucial factor in healthy digestion.

Try not to eat too much a couple of hours before going to bed. You'll see the benefits in reduced constipation symptoms immediately.

Save yourself money and simply follow these 5 easy steps to improve your health and rid yourself of constipation forever. - 30241

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